Music is cool
SThrough the Little Feet Music program children acquire a knowledge of musical concepts such as beat, rhythm, inner hearing, pitch (high and low), dynamics (loud and soft), timbre (characteristics of sounds), form and tempo (fast and slow) while gaining enhanced social skills and confidence. Little Feet Music is LOTS of fun and the best way for children to learn is by having fun!
Children bring the music home to rest of their family through the Little Feet Music song book (Your child will be given a Little Feet Music song book when enrolled for a whole term, or they are available to purchase separately though the shop). Many of the children pretend to be the music teacher for the rest of the family and parents are encouraged to read the Little Feet Music song book and sing the songs at home.
Music strengthens self image and self assurance, promotes concentration and focused listening and promotes enhanced social abilities. Children have a natural love for singing, moving to music and dancing, jumping, clapping and tapping. Music offers opportunities for social interaction and children learn to express themselves freely through music and movement. There are also songs about healthy eating.